you can make anything into a special occasion and dress up for it. — victoria beckham
Head over to the Grover Zampa Vineyard for a wine tasting and vineyard tour.40 minutes from the property. Contact the front desk foe more information and travel assistance
Carrom Tournament at 11:00am at the Three Monkeys Club
The Night Before Christmas - Christmas Carols, Live Acoustic Music, Gifts from Santa and a Family Style Dinner at the Village Shack from 08:00pm onwards
We are aware of the existence of fraudulent claims and activities associated with Karma India Holidays and Grand Karma Vacation. This statement serves as a formal disclaimer on behalf of the Karma Group to unequivocally declare that we are not affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with Karma India Holidays and Grand Karma Vacation. Karma Group is a distinct and entirely separate entity from Karma India Holidays and Grand Karma Vacation. This disclaimer is issued to provide clarity and transparency to the public, our members, and any parties concerned about the relationship between the Karma Group, Karma India Holidays and Grand Karma Vacation.