Wellbeing : The Wonder Prescription

Use wonder to tap into your potential

When was the last time you looked up at a starry night sky or swam in the ocean under a full moon?  

Whether you are walking in nature or looking over a majestic landscape, wonder is said to transform how we perceive the world, no matter who we are or where we live. 

This is the latest intel to come out of the Global Wellness  Institute (GWI) who recently released a wellness moonshot themed around ‘Wonder and Awe’. They report that an antidote to all the chaos and stress of 2020 is to cultivate more wonder in our lives. Indeed, the experience of the extraordinary can feel both humbling and inspiring and bring out a childlike delight in us. Positive awe is thought to heighten creativity, sharpen our brains and motivate ecologically conscious behaviour as well as facilitate less inflammation and greater well being satisfaction. 

According to the GWI, there are many ways to experience more wonder in our lives. One approach is to start our day with an attitude of how can I bring more wonder in my life rather than waiting for life to amaze us.  Another tip is to make wonder a priority by connecting with nature on a regular basis. At work, you can ‘shake up the normal’ by inviting employees and colleagues to break up their work routines by walking outdoors and give staff permission to forget being serious and bring humour into a meeting.  Want more wonder in your life? Explore the Karma Group’s rich and varied resort and hotel destinations. From night hiking in the Bavarian Alps to swimming in secluded coves on Rottnest island and star-studded skies above Karma St. Martins, wonder is moments away!  

Read more about the Global Wellness Institute’s wonder moonshot here

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