Bachelor Richie Strahan joins Karma Resorts for 2017 Karma Resorts Rottnest Channel Swim

Richie Strahan

As the super-fit star of last year’s edition of Channel 10’s rom-reality show The Bachelor Australia, Richie Strahan is already well-known to Australian TV viewers.

In a recent exclusive chat at Karma’s uber-relaxed Rottnest Island Resort, Strahan spoke excitedly about his new role as the Ambassador for 2017’s Karma Resorts Rottnest Channel Swim and about completing the grueling 19.7 kilometer event as well as his love of the holiday island which lies just off the coast of Western Australia.

According to Strahan, “just coming out (of the water) onto that beach (at race end) was such an extraordinary feeling.”

A passionate Western Australian local, Strahan says growing up in the West was a privilege as it gave him access to a wealth of natural wonders, including “Rotto”, as locals warmly refer to Rottnest Island.

“I remember as a kid it was always BBQs on the beach and then we’d have dinner at the Rottnest Pub with my parents. We’d explore the beaches, discover each of the beautiful bays, go for a snorkel or head out to Cathedrals (Rock) for a surf.”

Reminiscing on his team’s experience in last year’s Rottnest Channel Swim event, Strahan says the most important success factor is the support of a wide group of committed volunteers and well-wishers.

“You’re relying on a lot of people – the crew of the support boat, your family and friends on the beach to spur you on.”

The support crew truly came to the fore towards the end of the race as one of Strahan’s team began to struggle in the final stages and the group banded together to ensure they finished. He says just finishing with his mates was an amazing experience after a tough last kilometer.

As for race preparation, Strahan says seeking out the help of a professional swim coach is essential and ensuring training is a mix of endurance work, swim stroke refinement and breathing techniques. He trained every day with personal trainer Renae Wauhop and mixed it up with gym sessions and long distance swimming.

For Strahan, the key during training was discovering “how long I could swim for before I gassed out.”

As for his final word to swimmers entering the 2017 event, “just remember to have fun, it’s an amazing day out.”

Celebrate in style after the channel swim this year at Karma Rottnest with a very special Seafood & Bubbles dining experience. For more information go to

Written by Wirka Wayan

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