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Sssh… Let me tell you something about Nyepi, the Day of Silence on the island of Gods

Wake up, no sound, everything’s shut, the airport’s shut, no planes flying in or out, no one on the streets, no light other than the morning rays of sun, we woke up on Nyepi Day, the Day of Silence.

Well known for its colorful and deeply spiritual culture, the Balinese calendar culminates on the 6th and 7th of March. On the evening of the 6th, the streets of villages come alive with raucous cheers and grotesque demonic statues, called Ogoh-ogoh. Built for the Ngerupuk parade, the demonic figures are carried through the streets by the young men of each village and then ritually burnt to dispel bad spirits!

The next morning marks Nyepi Day, the Day of Silence, which is spent by locals in silence and quiet ritual. All shops – and even the airport – remain closed from 6am on the 7th for a full 24 hours. Join us and step back in time to an ancient world of spirits and where the only sounds are the waves breaking into the shore, the wind in the breeze, and the whispers of loved ones sharing a comfortable quiet.

While the world holds its breath, spend the day with us in quiet celebration. Our Nyepi Day packages are made with relaxation in mind!

Experience Nyepi at our award-winning 5 star Resort Karma Kandara or Karma Jimbaran, or escape to the barefoot island retreat of Karma Reef, Gili Meno.

Don’t delay, as space is limited!

Nyepi at Karma Kandara Nyepi at Karma Jimbaran Nyepi at Karma Reef, Gili Meno

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