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Chocolate Fondant

    • Yields: 10 portions
    • Prep time: 40 minutes

    Valrhona Sakanti Bali 68% single origin chocolate, Burnt Candlenut Anglaise, Kopi Luwak Ice Cream

    Sustainable Inspiration:

    Valrhona Sakanti Bali Single Origin 68% Chocolate: Valrhona works closely with KSS Kerta Samaya Somaniya a local cooperative which gathers over 400 cocoa farmers in the Jembrana area of Tabanan. A region located in the west part of Bali known for cocoa, coffee, bananas and of course rice.

    Due to the tropical fruits which the cocoa beans are grown amongst, the end result is a grand cru classification with tropical fruit acidity while highlighting well rounded notes of chocolate with a mild bitterness.

    Candlenut: Also called kemiri nut is indigenous to Indonesia. It is commonly used in foods to thicken and balance the flavours in bumbu a term used for a mixture of spices. It is commonly grown all over Indonesia; especially in the West and East areas of Nusa Tenggara. It is grown amongst many other crops such as coffee and fruit trees. Candlenut trees can survive extreme dry season weather which makes it a valuable non timbering crop.

    Kopi Luwak: Is a coffee produced mainly in Bali, Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi Indonesia. It is derived from partially digested coffee cherries which have been eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet. Because the civets only choose the ripest cherries to eat and the natural acidity reducing properties of the cherries as a result of digesting and passing. Kopi Luwak is considered one of the most rare and expensive coffees in the world. Reaching upwards of $700 USD per kilo.

    Chocolate Fondant Cake

    Yields: 10 portions

    Prep time: 40 minutes

    • 567 grams
    • 567 grams
    • 250 grams
    • 8 ea.
    • 8 ea.
    • 103 grams
    • For brushing foil cups
    • For dusting foil cups
    • In a double boiler over medium heat combine the chocolate and butter. Stir with a rubber spatula until melted.
    • Once completely melted, remove from heat and let cool slightly.
    • Meanwhile combine the sugar with eggs and yolks in stand-alone mixer, whip until fluffy and sugar has dissolved.
    • Once the melted chocolate has cooled enough, fold in the egg sugar mixture.
    • Fold in the cake flour. Set aside
    • Lightly brush the inside of each foil cup with melted butter.
    • Add flour to each foil cup to coat the inside with butter.
    • Tap out the remaining flour only leaving a thin layer of flour & butter in the cups.
    • Place the cups in the fridge to cool and set butter.
    • Remove from fridge and evenly distribute the batter into each cup.
    • Cover with plastic wrap and store in the fridge until ready to bake.

    Burnt Candlenut Anglaise

    Yields: 10 portions

    • 300 grams
    • 180 grams
    • 100 grams
    • 120 grams
    • 60 grams
    • pinch
    • Pre heat the oven 160 degrees Celsius.
    • Place the chopped candlenuts on a baking sheet and toast until “almost” burnt ( This will heighten the flavour of the nuts and give it an almost hazelnut quality. )
    • Meanwhile in a heavy bottom pot combine the cream, milk, salt and half of sugar. Bring up to just below scant turn off heat.
    • Hot from the oven, add the almost burnt candlenuts to the hot milk/sugar mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and let stand 30 minutes.
    • Remove plastic wrap and strain through a medium hole seive into another heavy bottom pot.
    • Place pot on the stove and bring up to almost simmer over medium high heat.
    • In a mixing bowl with a wire whisk combine the egg yolks with sugar and mix thoroughly.
    • Temper the egg yolk sugar mixture by whisking in 100 mls of the hot cream mixture into the eggs while whisking thoroughly.
    • Add the hot egg mixture back to the pot whisking slowly. Turn down the heat to low.
    • With a wooden spoon stir slowly, making sure to scrape the bottom of the pot until nape consistency has been achieved.
    • Immediately remove from heat and strain through fine sieve. Ice down in water bath to cool rapidly.
    • Once completely cooled cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use.

    Kopi Luwak Ice Cream

    • 600 ml
    • 540 ml
    • 300 grams
    • 10 grams
      (or more if you want stronger flavour)
    • pinch
    • 6 ea.
    • 8 ml
    • In a heavy bottom pot over medium heat combine the milk, cream, salt, vanilla extract, coffee grounds and half the sugar.
    • Bring up to just below simmer stirring gently.
    • Remove from heat and cover with plastic wrap, let stand for 30 minutes.
    • Remove plastic wrap and place back on the stove over medium high heat. Bring up to a simmer.
    • Meanwhile in a small mixing bowl with a wire whisk combine the remaining half of sugar with egg yolks. Whish vigourously.
    • Temper the yolks by adding 200 ml of hot cream mixture into the eggs while stirring rapidly.
    • Pour the tempered eggs into the pot and turn down heat to low.
    • Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until nape consistency is reached.
    • Remove from heat and strain through a fine sieve immediately.
    • Ice the custard down, refrigerate overnight.
    • Process in your ice cream maker to manufacturers specifications.
    • Cover and store in freezer until ready to enjoy.

    To prepare the dish:

    • Preheat oven to 170 degrees celsius.
    • Place the chocolate fondant cake in the oven for approximately 8-10 minutes.
      Note: you will see the cake cook from the outside in. Once the top of the cake has just cooked over, the cake is ready to remove from the oven.
    • Remove the cake from the oven and place on a cooling rack for approximately 1 minute.
      This gives the cake time to “set” and prevents breakage when plating.
    • Meanwhile the cake is resting, begin plating:
      Be artistic yet simple with the anglaise.
      Turn the fondant cake upside down on the plate in desired location. Tap the top of the foil wrapper to help “lift” cake up.
      Scoop the ice cream and place in desired location.
      I like to use chocolate covered coffee beans as garnish to represent the Kopi Luwak beans.
      A little bit of icing sugar or Valrhona cocoa powder to decorate and maybe a mint leaf if you would like!


      naheed hafiz
      April 8, 2020 at 11:12 am

      Thank you so much for the recipes .
      Absolutely delighted to receive them.
      Will start trying them immediately.
      Keep it going – Some Vegeterian dishes please .

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